
Black and White 

We all know the color white to be associated with purity. And, we tend to see purity as something absent of all the “evils” of the world; we are born pure and uncorrupted by “life”. But, white is not absent of anything as it’s all colors. It’s every single wavelength fused into one. Could, then, purity be “everything” as well?

We are born whole and society programs us to think and act a certain way. It programs us to believe parts of ourselves are shameful and unloveable. When we are born, we don’t label anything as bad or good. We just are. We just witness. We are one with all of life. There is no separation we feel between ourselves and the universe. So, purity is actually wholeness. Purity is the ability to hold all of it, to be all of it, to experience all of it, to love all of it. 

In actuality, black is the absence of color. The dark is the void. It’s nothingness. Yet, we are so afraid of it. We are afraid of the emptiness, because when there is no light to distract us, we are faced with our biggest fears, our biggest shadows. We are frightened of losing ourselves to the depths of loneliness, the isolation we may feel when there is pure emptiness. This hexes us to forget the dark as a reset where we can rebirth ourselves — like when we sleep at night — to create a new cycle, to start over. We forget we need times of rest, blankness, to be in flow, to ride the waves of life. 

Existence is cyclical. Periods of illumination will always follow periods of darkness, because how can we truly see without first experiencing how it feels having no sight? We must cast ourselves into the null to merge back into all of reality. We must experience absence of ourselves to be in absoluteness with all. We must first know what it is to be nothing to know what it is to be everything. 

We are born from the state of absence into the state of purity, the state of nothingness into wholeness. And, so we must follow this cycle of birth, death and rebirth throughout our lives to keep coming back to entirety. We must move with the tides of universal law to become one with all of existence. 

Let us not be afraid to fall into the void so we can BE the universe instead of pretending we are just in it. 


One thought on “Black and White 

  1. Love this article and the point you make about purity. Never thought about it that way. Great writing!

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